Picture Symbol Icon – Day 2

Today was spent focusing on typography. We started by learning about the history of typography and the principles of typography (below are my notes from this).

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We then moved on to look at representing a work through how it is written. I initially picked the word “stairs” and imitating the shape of actual stairs through the way the word is written.


I wasn’t really happy with any of the iterations of this so I decided to use a palindrome because I thought the potential symmetry of a word could be really interesting. I initially experimented with drawing the letters on different levels and in different sizes whilst still maintaining the symmetry of the words. In the end I did, however, choose to draw the letters all the same size and the last to back to front so that is symmetrical in the
y-axis. After we had finished these we commented on each others work, writing our comments on sticky notes.

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After writing single words we moved on to writing phrases and incorporating geometric shapes. For this I chose a quote from my favourite book ‘The Night Circus’ by Erin Morgenstern:

“Like stepping into a fairy tale under
a curtain of stars.”

I chose this because it would be very difficult to represent visually whilst still being very descriptive, however I very quickly realised that this was too long a phrase and shortened it to just the last five words. I wanted to represent the stars through the use of geometric shapes without actually drawing stars so I drew two hexagons layered on top of each other.


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