Journey Map

As the final part of Ways of Seeing, we were asked to design a journey map detailing our journey up to now and what we plan ti do in the future. We were asked to include the qualifications and skills we had when we applied to DJCAD and the skills we have acquired during the first two modules of the course.

I decided that my map would focus on three main areas: education, work experience, and work. I started by exploring different designs I could use, including space and a more realistic landscape scene. Then once I had decided on the theme I was going to use I did a more detailed sketch so that to work out what all the individual elements of the map would look like.IMG_20171103_151223961.jpg

In my final design I drew mountains to represent all of the events because they all  required work to complete. Around each mountain I drew clouds with the skills I gained from each experience and the opportunities they gave me. The events on the map are in chronological order, the sun at the top represents my main goal and the path follows the events up towards it.journey map

Personally, my main goal is to work as a product designer but focussing on sustainable and environmentally friendly design and ideally make sustainable products more accessible to everyone.

I am really pleased with my journey map, considering how much time I had to complete it. If I had had longer I would have added more detail and would have added more drawings to make the page look more complete, especially by adding more trees further up.

Finally we had to upload a GIF of our Arduino characters and this can be found on my Instagram page

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