What’s your preference: Pixels or Pencils?

Brief: “Hello World” the birth of your RGB Arduino Character 

As part of the new module ‘Ways of making’ we have focussed on drawing as a way to become more aware of our surroundings.  We have also learnt simple coding using an Arduino board. To demonstrate our learning we were asked to create a character and a storyboard to tell their story.

After some sketching and modelling I decided to create a flying elephant – for my final model I used handmade paper and wooden sticks for extra strength.

For the storyboard I decided to tell the story of how my elephant got its wings and reflect the process of using an Arduino board (connecting components and using a power source). I also tried to represent the RGB colour system in the creation of the wings.

Pixels or Pencils?

At school the focus was on drawing designs by hand.  At GCSE I used SketchUp to show a small part of my design but not until I had finalised the design and started construction. At A-Level  CAD was used solely to use the laser cutter not as another way to present design.

Personally, I find pencil drawing more immediate than CAD, but CAD does give a new perspective on the design. I also find making physical models really useful as a means of exploring the technical side of the design and how it will interact with the real world.  For me, pencils can’t be replaced but pixels do bring a new perspective.

Storyboard: How the elephant got its wings

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